70 years ago today the Geneva Conventions were adopted. To mark this milestone, the ICRC is launching a new digital app giving users access to key IHL treaties and texts, via mobile or tablet device, anywhere and anytime, whether online or offline.
Developed by the ICRC the IHL – International Humanitaian Law Digital App provides access and reference, in multiple languages, to more than 75 treaties and other documents relating to IHL – most notably, the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, the ICRC’s original and updated Commentaries on the Conventions and Additional Protocols, and the rules of customary IHL identified by the ICRC’s 2005 Study on customary IHL.
Key features:
· Search, and use the app anywhere, anytime, thanks to its online and offline modes. · Access the app in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish. · All legal treaty articles and customary rules featured can be opened in English and French, whether on or offline. Corresponding documents are also available in Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish, and some in Portuguese. · The built-in search function makes all included texts fully searchable, helping support informed IHL discussions, decisions, negotiations or training. · All searches can be bookmarked for later use, and shared. · The app is fed by the ICRC’s Treaties, State Parties and Commentaries, as well as Customary International Humanitarian Law databases, enabling automatic updates when online.
Also in celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions
5 myths about the Geneva Conventions as they turn 70 – Dr Helen Durham, Director of International Law and Policy at the ICRC reflects on the unique role of the Conventions in today’s world.
Geneva Conventions’ 70-year path protecting humanity in war – Discover the ICRC’s new Casebook highlight of key learning resources dedicated to the Geneva Conventions.
Learn the basics of IHL without a legal background – The ICRC’s Introduction to IHL elearning course is now available on DisasterReady.org. Read this guest blog to learn more about the learning behind the course.