Dr Louisa Parks, University of Lincoln Wednesday 4th March 2015 Lecture Theatre 183, Old College 17:00 – 18:30
BENELEX researcher Dr Louisa Parks will present her work on a methodology for an interdisciplinary, empirical enquiry into benefit-sharing from a global environmental law perspective, by drawing together accounts of norm diffusion from sociology, international relations and law. Prof Ellen Hey (Erasmus University) will act as discussant.
All are welcome. You can find more information on how to register for the event here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/benefit-sharing-and-global-environmental-law-an-inter-disciplinary-enquiry-into-norm-diffusion-tickets-14500470297
If you would like to receive a copy of the paper that will be presented, please email: benelex@ed.ac.uk