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Writer's picturedilsblog

The Importance of Lawyers in a Democratic Society

Date: Thursday 10 November, 6pm-7pm

Venue: Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee

Each year a lecture is held in memory of Jean Clark, a solicitor and the last surviving member of the Clark Family who traded as The Saxone Shoe Company. She established and funded her own charity – The Clark Foundation for Legal Education. The Foundation makes grants annually for undergraduates, graduates and lawyers to further their legal education. The grants are awarded purely on the merit of the application or the hardship of the applicant.

In this lecture, Sir Declan Morgan, the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland, will discuss the importance of the legal system in the modern day, some of the challenges faced by lawyers and reflect on his own career, giving his insights into how, through everyday practice, lawyers can uphold democratic values in an ever changing society.

Overspill lecture theatres may be used.

A drinks reception will follow the lecture.

Attendance at this event is free of charge.


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