A CEPMLP/CECHR seminar given by Shammy Puri (Secretary General, International Association of Hydrogeologists) on Tuesday 16th February, from 12-1pm in the Carnegie Lecture Theatre
As a member of the advisory team to the UN ILC Special Rapporteur drafting the Articles on the use of transboundary aquifers, Shammy Puri was deeply involved in providing the scientific framework of the hydrolgeology of transboundary aquifers. His in depth knowledge on such aquifers came from his direct experience in exploring, designing and later exploitation of a number of transboundary aquifers, but the principle one being the Rum – Saq aquifer that is shared by Jordan & Saudi Arabia. Currently he is advising the EU and the Governments of Swaziland and Lesotho on integrated water resources management, where both countries lie in what are probably the most classic examples of transboundary waters management and their related issues.
The seminar will focus on the scientific background to the ‘Draft Articles on Law of Transboundary Aquifers’. For further information contact cechr@dundee.ac.uk
Water Law and other related courses: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/cechr/courses/