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The Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Policy.

As a special event for Strathclyde Earth Day, the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Policy and the Centre for Energy Policy at the University of Strathclyde International Public Policy Institute are pleased to host Professor Kati Kulovesi, Professor of International Law at the University of Eastern Finland Law School, for a special seminar to discuss the UNFCCC negotiations and the road to Paris.

The seminar is free but places are limited and light snacks will be provided. Click here to register for this event and see the attached flyer for further details.

UNFCCC negotiations and the road to Paris

Kati Kulovesi

Professor of International Law, University of Eastern Finland Law School

Wednesday 22 April 2015, 1-3pm

Lord Hope Building 229a/b

University of Strathclyde (map)


The key objective of current negotiations under the UNFCCC is to conclude a new climate agreement, applicable to all parties from 2020 onwards, at the Paris Climate Change Conference, to be held in December 2015. The most recent round of preparatory negotiations in Geneva in February took place in good atmosphere with parties reaching agreement on a negotiating text expected to form the basis of the Paris agreement. The text has been circulated to all parties in accordance with legal requirements concerning the adoption of new protocols to the UNFCCC. While negotiators have managed to clear successfully some of the main procedural hurdles ahead of Paris, the negotiating text reveals that many difficult issues and long-standing divides on substantive issues remain wide open. Some of the key ones include the legal form of the Paris outcome, sources of climate finance, mitigation ambition and differentiation between developed and developing countries. This seminar will provide overview of progress made at the most recent negotiating session in Geneva and discuss main outstanding issues ahead of Paris, including prospects for a successful outcome.

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