IBA SEERIL 2015 Scholarship for Energy and Natural Resource Law Studies Scholarship
SEERIL awards an amount of up to 18,000 to pursue post-graduate studies that may involve master, PhD or post-doctoral research topics in the energy and natural resources field. This scholarship is open to all qualifying academic institutions and their students free of charge. A ‘qualifying academic institution’ is one where at least one member or adjunct member of the faculty is a member of the IBA and a SEERIL committee. The Scholarship is normally open for submission of applications between February and March each year and it is generally awarded during the months of June/July.
Further information can found at: http://www.ibanet.org/LPD/SEERIL/Default.aspx
Deadline: Sunday 29 March 2015
Fundacion Iberdrola/Scottishpower Scholarships:
As part of its scholarships Programme, Fundación IBERDROLA has launched a new announcement calling for applications for the Postgraduate Studies in Energy and the Environment in the United Kingdom for the 2015/16 academic year.
Further information and country restrictions can be found at: http://www.fundacioniberdrola.org/webfund/corporativa/iberdrola?IDPAG=ENFUNARESOSABUK12
Deadline: 26 March 2015
Saltire Scholarships
Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships (SSS) is a substantial programme of scholarships, offered on a matched funding basis between the Scottish Government and Scottish Higher Education Institutions. The scheme offers up to 200 awards, each worth £2000. These are towards the tuition fees, for any one year of full time study, on an Undergraduate, Masters or PhD course at any of Scotland’s higher education institutions.
Further information and priority countries can be found at: http://www.scotland.org/study-in-scotland/scholarships/saltire-scholarships/