DILS want to invite you to participate in two events next Wednesday, 25 October. The University of Dundee is fortunate to have Professor Gerry Simpson (Chair of Public International Law at the LSE) to come to visit.
Gerry’s biography is available here:http://www.lse.ac.uk/law/people/academic-staff/gerry-simpson. His research focuses on international law, international criminal law, and literary approaches to law. He is considered to be one of the world’s preeminent scholars of international law.
He will be presenting at our Law Research Seminar Series at 2.30 next Wednesday, on ‘International Law: A Largely Scottish Affair?’. This will be in Room 4.08.
In addition, Gerry has very generously offered to meet with students. He will therefore hold a session from 1-2pm on Wednesday 25th, in Room 3.08. I imagine this will focus on research and writing in international law.
You would all be very welcome to attend this session. If you are interested in attending, can you please let Sophie Rigney by Monday 23rd October. Her email address is s.rigney@dundee.ac.uk