Start Date: 16/4/2015 End Date: 16/4/2015 Time: 4:00PM – 5:30PM Dalhousie Building, room 2G12, University of Dundee Add to Calendar
Organiser: Dr Scott Brown
EU-China Webinar in association with the European Institute for Security & Justice Guest Lecture Series 2014-5:
Empowering Human Rights Researchers in China – Dr Todd Landman (University of Essex)
“This webinar discusses my experience of teaching human rights research methods in China for a group of 14 Chinese scholars, whose work was published in an edited volume entitled Human Rights in Our Time. The book was published in English and Chinese and launched in Oslo. The webinar shows how research methods served as an acceptable entry point for engaging and empowering Chinese scholars who have an interest in human rights problems.”
Dr Todd Landman is Professor of Government and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Essex.
All welcome.